In Zaragoza Medienerco, S.L.U (Zaragoza Group) we put faith in the development of our teams, their safety and satisfaction at work, the constant improvement of the company as well as the reduction of our environmental impact in our activities of Development, Design, Construction and Maintenance of photovoltaic installations, generating a virtous circle of safety, quality and environment in our activities.
Today we announce that, as a result of our compromise, we have satisfactorily passed the renewal audits in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 and especially the recent ISO 45001:2018 certification.
This is the stake of Zaragoza Medienerco, S.L.U. (Zaragoza group) for ordered growth, respectful of the environment, compromised with our clients’ satisfaction and with the development, care and safety of the workers. All this, whilst trusting in the best continuity as one of the pillars of our policy integrating quality, environment and health and safety at work, reviewed and published in September 2021.